15 Lessons I Have Learnt in 38 Years

  • Life is unpredictable — work on and practice trusting the unknown.
  • Forgive others — chances are the way they treated you wasn't personal, it was just their programming and karma.
  • Give — you never lose anything by giving to others; it can be in the form of a gift, money or simply a smile or hug.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself — we all make mistakes, it's part of the journey and how we learn and evolve.
  • If you can't embrace change, at least accept that is a part of life — for everyone.
  • Life on Earth is temporary — it's nice to have a nice house and a flash car — but you can't take it with you. You only take your memories and lessons learnt.
  • Suffering can be a part of life, but often suffering is magnified by our reactions and fears that play out in our mind.
  • We all have a higher self and guides, but we have free will whether we choose to connect to and nurture that connection.
  • No one survives physical life, so take some risks, live a little, make some mistakes, go out with a bang.
  • You can make the world a brighter place, simply by being in it.
  • If you don't know what to do with your life, follow your passions, your bliss. Ask yourself, how best can I serve?
  • Helping other people makes your life more meaningful.
  • If you want to leave a legacy, make a difference in other people's lives.
  • Give, but not to expect anything in return. Give for the joy of giving.
  • Life is challenging for everyone, but we all have different circumstances and different challenges.
    We have designed them for our growth.


By Brad Austen © 2018.

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