Being a Light in a Dark Place

With everything happening in our world at the moment, it is natural to ask the question, 'Am I doing enough?', 'Is there more I should be doing?' I tuned in and asked God/Creator these questions, and the reply was, "You are here to be a light in a dark place." Simply by being a light, you are helping. As for taking action, if it is coming from a place of love it will be in alignment with what you are meant to be doing. If it is coming from a place of fear or anger, it is revealing areas in your life that still need healing. So don't be too hard on yourself in these times, they are not for the faint-hearted.

Some people are naturally more 'action'-orientated, while some are more 'being'-orientated. We are all unique, so there is really no right or wrong, or greater or less than; these are human concepts. God loves everyone equally because we are all a part of God. It's just that the star seeds and light workers have a special role to play in these transformative times on Earth. If you are being a loving partner, a compassionate friend or sibling, you are doing what you are meant to be doing at this time.

Because there is so much happening and at such a fast pace, it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind. Some healthy detachment is important, for example, from the news and from media, allowing time to go within. As individuals, we can't really control the actions of others, but we can be a role model and lead the way. Compassionate actions do not go unnoticed, even if they aren't necessarily acknowledged. Sometimes, you may never know if you've made someone's world a little brighter simply by a smile or a compassionate gesture.

Because each soul is unique, the role each will play in these times is also unique. So, if you are feeling uneasy or anxious in these times, going within and practicing meditation can be helpful. You may even receive some answers to the questions that have been on your mind. We don't need to know all of the answers, but often, when we reach each point of significance on the journey, there will be signposts to help us navigate the path.

When you light a match in a dark room, you can see around and find your way. The light of our soul works in a similar way and also helps others find their way, so they are no longer stumbling around in the dark. It can start a chain reaction whereby your light ignites their light, and then their light ignites the light of others. This is how light is spread in a dark place and eventually leads to world peace and ascension.

The times we are living in now are the beginning of this process — a great awakening. Part of the covid agenda is intended to slow and stop this from happening, but it's having the opposite effect, and waking more of those asleep. It's important to remember that the darkness always serves the light. Things seem very dark now, but really it's just the light stirring up the darkness that has always been there. Up until now it was hidden, secret and under the surface. As part of the ascension process everything needs to be brought to light. With time speeding up, this process is happening faster and faster.

Everything is unfolding as it should be, to help wake up more people from their slumber. However, don't be too concerned with trying to wake others up, unless they come to you. We are all at a different point in our awareness and evolution, so that trying to force people awake often won't have a good outcome. Be gentle with others and respect their awareness and state of consciousness. If and when they are ready, they may come to you with questions, or they may not. Respecting everyone's free will is important, because we are all here for different reasons, some to play an active role and some to be a passive bystander. Each soul, whether choosing to be active or passive, will gain something positive in these times and propel their evolution forward.


By Brad Austen © 2021.

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