Freewill versus Divine Will

In our human experience we have chosen and been gifted with free will. We have the choice to do what we please in life. Often our choices are determined by our beliefs and our state of mind and emotions. Spirit wishes to teach humanity that we have two choices, a higher choice guided by spirit, or a lower choice guided by the ego. Spirit does not judge us by the quality of choices we make in life but on a higher level we essentially do. When you walk the spiritual path, gradually your will becomes aligned with the will of spirit, god, or whatever you perceive it to be. Often this is a gradual process over many years, we still have an ego, but it becomes less of a driving force in our lives. You have probably heard the parable of a good angel and evil angel perched on each shoulder. This refers to both the ego and soul, whilst living in duality on this planet. Duality is the opposite expressions on both sides of the spectrum.

Over time walking the spiritual path, you gradually become light infused with more of your soul and higher self. This can be referred to as enlightenment, which is more a journey than a destination. Negative aspects of our ego gradually become balanced with more positive aspects of our ego. The swings of duality become less. Eventually you reach a level where you ascend both matter and spirit together. The positive aspects of your ego remain, but your main driving force becomes that of god or spirit.

It is important to realise that things don't just happen to us; we are not just victims in life. Often we need to look at our situation from a higher perspective, and that is what walking the spiritual path gives you. Things always happen for a reason, and you have agreed to experience this from a soul level. Often there are other factors at play, such as karma and cause and effect. Humanity and the planet itself is re-birthing into a new state of being. Like any transition, it is not always a smooth ride. However if you trust your intuition or the promptings of spirit, things become easier. Your vibration begins to change; you begin to feel greater levels of peace and wellbeing in your life. You begin to realise that you are a powerful spirit, choosing to experience being a human being for a period of time.

Angels operate from divine will, the will of God. They do not have free will like humans; their will is completely aligned with spirit. You could say that your higher self is like an angel, and an aspect of your soul is here pretending to be human. Humans learn from their choices and actions in life through free will. If ever you are faced with a difficult decision, ask God or your higher self, what would you do in this situation? Silence your mind and go within for the answers. Often the best way to receive guidance from spirit is to ask a question just before drifting off to sleep at night. As the saying goes "the night brings counsel" you will often awake with renewed clarity about your situation, or even receive an answer in a dream. Remember that free will is a gift, and like any gift it needs to be nurtured and respected. Treat other with respect and may spirit enlighten your path in life.

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