Life's Work — Finding Your Highest Joy

I used to think that 'work' had to be hard, taxing and unpleasant — a form of slavery on planet Earth. Over time, as I grew in awareness, I modified my view to frame work as my life's contribution towards serving others. This idea has expanded again, to think of 'work' as finding my highest joy. If you are feeling unsatisfied with your current job or work, I suggest it may be time to shift your awareness. Rather than focus on what you don't want to do with your life, focus on what you do want and be open to opportunities and synchronicities.

I felt inspired to write an article on this topic because most people have to do some form of 'work', for a large portion of their lives, to get by and have a desirable lifestyle. Isn't it better to be enjoying your life's work, rather than feeling stressed or resentful? Now, we are all different, some people prefer a nine to five work schedule, but this doesn't suit everyone. Some people are happier working at their own pace and being self-employed to some degree. Yes, certainly there is greater risk, but there can also be more rewards.

Exploring the hobbies and passions that you are naturally good at can be a great indication of your strengths in life. If you don't feel you have many hobbies or gifts, ask yourself, 'What excites me?' It may be time to explore what excites you. Sometimes we have to work on ourselves and change the limiting scripts that may be running, replacing them with positive scripts. Positive affirmations can help. Tell yourself every day that you are worthy to live the life of your dreams and be happy. Tell yourself as many times as necessary to create this belief and begin replacing negative scripts.

If you are at a bit of a crossroads in your life, then perhaps me sharing some advice may help: Many years ago, I was unsatisfied and stressed with being in the role of a personal carer in an aged care facility. I actually avoided meeting new people because I didn't want to be asked, 'So, what do you do for a living?'

At around the same time my Mum suggested I check out a spiritual center that ran meditation classes. I actually resisted for a while, but eventually made the decision to make enquiries and investigate. The truth was, I was very shy and found it difficult to meet new people. But I thought, 'What do I have to lose? I may enjoy it.' Well, during one of the meditation classes I had a profound vision of a giant golden Buddha, with the message to create my own meditation CD. I can still remember the vision of the Buddha to this day; it was that powerful and vivid.

The truth was, I wasn't an audio engineer and I had no idea how to record. But I was always interested in and knowledgeable about computers, so I thought 'How hard could it be?' I had plenty of time on my hands, so I thought I would teach myself how to record a meditation and perhaps find someone who could compose some meditation music. Well, around the same time I met a composer online and asked if he was interested in composing some meditation music. His name was Justin and we became good friends. He agreed to compose the music and we ended up producing seven albums together.

Working with Justin on these guided meditation albums was a lot of fun and creating them a joy. I realized that not only could I write and voice guided meditations to a high standard, but that many people were benefiting from, and thanking me for, my work. I released the guided meditations on online stores such as iTunes and Amazon, along with other websites, and my fan base grew.

Fifteen years later, I am still living my passion and dream, doing what I love to do, and feeling very grateful. But had I ignored my Mum's suggestion to attend that meditation class, none of this would have happened. I hope sharing this story fills you with some hope and inspiration to follow your dreams and never give up on them. Everyone's life path is unique — obviously we are not all meant to be a meditation guide.

One thing that helped me was replacing the word 'work' with 'joy'. What makes you joyful? Have you ever asked yourself this, in the bustle of life? Life isn't just about paying the bills; it's an adventure that should be enjoyed. If you haven't experienced this, it's probably because you haven't wanted it enough. I believe if you are doing your life's work and doing what you came here to do, the money will flow. Often, opportunities will come to you and sometimes you also have to seek them out.

When you are aligned with your true purpose there will be people who will be attracted to you who are aligned with your purpose. If they don't seek you out, then you may need to seek them. Everyone's journey is unique and will be a bit different, but know you can have the dream job or life that you desire. If the dream job doesn't exist, or you're underqualified, or overqualified, then create it yourself: It may start as a side-hobby and grow into something that gradually becomes your life's work.

The truth is that every successful person started somewhere, before getting a lucky break. But was it luck? Or was it simply that each had self-belief, took a chance and never gave up? Perhaps also those who came across a synchronicity acted on it when they felt prompted, or guided, to. This can make all the difference in life, between simply 'getting by' and living your life with passion and joy. Don't be afraid to make some mistakes and to experiment. I hope sharing my story inspires you in some way to follow your soul purpose and live the life of your dreams.


By Brad Austen © 2021.

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