Switching off the News
I recall a conversation I had with someone, some years ago, which went something like this: I said, "There will be a time when the news will be more balanced and not as negative, when there is a higher consciousness on the planet." The person argued that the news was only negative because that was what was happening in our world. I decided to leave the conversation there. Perhaps this is an indication of where individuals are in their awakening journey. I don't say this in judgment, just as an observation.
For myself, I believe that the news is primarily negative by design, to keep the masses in fear, divided and separated. We are easier to manage this way. But something is changing, people are starting to wake up from this dream and to question things and people. Perhaps not overnight, but a bit by bit generational change. Some have called this the shift in consciousness or ascension.
Despite the current state of planet Earth, I also see it as an exciting time. We are the makers of change on the planet, in some way or form. We all have a role to play and perhaps you could say it is encoded within our soul energy. Sometimes all we need is a catalyst to trigger our awakening and soul purpose. When this happens, it is such a special day because you start to feel a yearning for change and transformation.
What you decide to do with it and the time you have left here is up to you — your freewill choice. As humans, we can create from ego or soul. For me, I have noticed a softening of my ego over the years and more promptings from spirit. I still have free choice, but I feel 'enhanced' by a higher force; God, Spirit, whatever you wish to refer to it as. This is a gift, and is available to all of us. You could say that we have a choice at each moment to create from either fear or love. From a lower level choice or a higher level choice.
How does all this refer back to the news? Well, if you can control information the masses can be controlled and dumbed-down. Has it worked? Yes, to some degree many people are still walking around like robots. But, each day, there are also many people questioning things and waking up. This is a really good sign, whereby humanity is taking back 'the reins', and its sovereignty. People want to live more empowered lives, they want meaning in their lives, and a better world for their children and grandchildren.
I feel, in these times, that some people will have more passive roles, while others will be more active. A lot of this has to do with the gifts or skills we have and the things we are passionate about. When you are aligned with your soul purpose or mission, each role or contribution serves the whole in some way. As you evolve along your path, these can also change and evolve.
In closing, as you can probably tell, this article isn't just about switching off the news. It's more to do with consciousness, and how it's starting to shift. Maybe you have noticed, or maybe you haven't yet. As a metaphor, it's like a snowball getting larger and faster as it gains momentum tumbling down a hill. An avalanche of consciousness and awareness is awakening. So today, when you switch on or read the news, know that it isn't reporting on all the good in our world. But even better, you might be inspired to make our world better in some way. A smile, a kind act or gesture, or whatever you feel inspired to do in the moment. Know that you can indeed make a difference!
By Brad Austen © 2022.
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