We Are All Spiritual Warriors in an Epic Battle
Between Light and Dark
Believe it or not, we all put our hands up to be here at this time on Earth. We were also deemed strong enough to endure duality and all that life on Earth entails; a battle between light and dark. Many people worldwide are feeling angry, frustrated and powerless as the dark ones play out their hand. Know that you are not alone and help is at hand. The Galactics are doing all they can behind the scenes to disarm the Cabal and their minions. The dark can be crafty and clever, so there have been setbacks and stalemates. However, higher beings of light have not and will not give up on us. Liberating humanity from the clutches of darkness is the agenda for many benevolent ET groups.
What happens on Earth during this great awakening and shift will impact and affect many worlds, so the shenanigans of the dark will not be allowed to continue forever. Birth isn't easy and nor is birthing a new consciousness on the planet. Humanity has been, and will continue to be, experiencing some labor pains. When we get to the other side, we will all have gained so much and have become a stronger and wiser being because of it.
Many people will be feeling a call in these times, 'What can I do?', 'How can I contribute?' We all have a role to play, whether behind the scenes or on the world stage. Sometimes being a loving partner, a loving brother or sister, a friend, is enough. Being slow to anger and quick to forgive, will also speed up your souls evolution. Some people are inherently more practical in nature, while others resonate with more spiritual roles. We all are unique and have a unique path to walk. Also, simply be-ing and raising one's frequency greatly helps the collective as well as Gaia, the consciousness of the planet.
It's also important to be aware that darkness, whether collectively or individually, as well as our challenges and hurdles, spur on our spiritual growth and soul evolution. Often in life, after we get through the hard times, we can reflect on how much growth we have attained. During these times we all have the opportunity for accelerated growth and progress. This will probably be your most important Earth lifetime, a lifetime you have trained for, for many lifetimes.
It is our responsibility to work on ourselves and work on healing our traumas. This will help to balance our karma, along with our ancestral karma and assist in the ascension process. Being conscious of our creations is also important, as is learning to control our thoughts and emotions. While we can't always change external events, by working on and changing ourselves, we impact the collective in positive ways. If everyone on the planet did this today, collective consciousness would shift in an instant and we would find ourselves in a higher dimension.
Many young people, starseeds, and even older lightworkers, are not happy with how the planet is being run. It is dysfunctional, to say the least. Many young people and lightworkers are here to usher in changes on this planet. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen. Ascension of consciousness is mostly a generational process, yet anyone at any age can choose the path of ascension. If you make this your intent and goal, your life will change and evolve in many ways.
Meditation can be of great help in learning to tame one's emotions and aid in the raising of one's vibration. Guided meditation can be a great and easy way to have some direction and guidance during your meditation practice. There are many guides and teachers that have recorded their meditations and made them available online. Practicing positive affirmations regularly can help to reprogram your mind from a negative state of mind to a more positive one. Positive affirmation recordings are also available online, if you wish to have some guidance in your practice. Transformation of consciousness takes time and effort but, I am sure you'll agree, is worth the effort.
Duality can be an important teacher by showing us what we don't want and what we prefer. If we as individuals focus on what we want, rather than what we don't want, our life will be transformed in positive ways. Due to generational trauma, it can take some work and inner healing to shift your thinking and heal your emotional body. Think of it as a work-in-progress; bit-by-bit, slow and steady wins the race. Whatever you may be going through at the moment, remember that this too shall pass, and that your being is eternal.
By Brad Austen © 2021.
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