Grounding — Free Guided Meditation

Chances are you have heard someone talking about 'grounding' at one point or another.
But what does grounding actually mean?
Grounding is a spiritual term, referring to centering your soul in your body, and in turn, connecting it with Mother Earth.
When these connections are strong, it can help you feel safer and more in touch with the earth and Mother Nature.
If you experience a lot of fear and anxiety in your day-to-day, it is possible that you have become ungrounded.
So what is the best way to ground yourself? It's quite simple really — and you have choices.
The easiest way is to go outside and stand on the grass. It is recommended that you take your shoes off when you do this.
Another method some people prefer is to become grounded by listening to a guided meditation with specific intent.
This free Grounding Meditation is from the album
Meditation Magic
Free Grounding Meditation
Please click play to listen to this free Grounding Meditation
Connecting with Mother Earth
You can stand or sit under a large tree and visualize your energy merging with the tree roots. Imagine and feel roots coming out of the soles of your feet and connecting with the roots of the tree and traveling deep into Mother Earth.
Eating food is also very grounding.
Root vegetables are very good for this, as well as heavier foods such as pasta and pizza.
As a vegetarian, it has been important for me to eat pizza and pasta every now and then to help with grounding.
Meat is also quite grounding, for those that are not vegetarians.
When you are grounded, and feeling centered, you are less likely to be influenced by negative forces.
Interestingly, drugs and alcohol un-ground a person and you are more likely to be targeted by astral entities while under the influence.
If you want to have a few drinks, it is better to have them with a heavy meal.
It is also known that the body can put on a few extra kilos to assist with grounding. This is more common than you would believe, particularly for those on a spiritual path that are holding more of their soul and higher vibration.
As you can see, there are many ways to ground yourself, become more soul-centered and connected to Mother Earth.
I hope this information has been informative and useful if you need assistance with grounding.
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