A Meditation for Transmuting the Collective Fear and Uncertainty Over the Coronavirus
by Brad Austen
Close your eyes, and take a couple of slow, deep breaths. Go inward in your awareness and just allow your body to relax. If there are any tight areas in your body, breathe into those areas and as you breathe out, allow the muscles to unwind and let go. Spend as much time as you need, until you feel relaxed and clear.
Now, visualize your aura being surrounded by violet light. Visualize a shaft of violet light coming down your ascension column above your crown and filling up all of your lower bodies – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – with this light. This helps to clear your energy of any unwanted entities or thought-forms that may have attached themselves to you.
Call upon your guides, your angelic friends and the ascended masters, those with whom you resonate, or for whom you have an affinity.
Now I'd like you to visualize yourself in your spirit body or higher-self, positioned above planet Earth, with all of your guides, angels and fellow lightworkers.
In your mind, place your hands up towards the planet and visualize yourself sending violet light to the planet and humanity. Visualize this violet light swirling around all areas of the cities and countries of planet Earth. Visualize this violet light intensifying and strengthening the collective energies.
Imagine this violet light transmuting all of the fear and uncertainty in the collective consciousness towards the coronavirus. Send this violet light to your loved ones, your friends and colleagues, even any perceived enemies from your past.
Spend a few minutes, or however long you feel guided, sending this violet light. This violet light is also transmuting the coronavirus and any people unwell with illness and lessening its negative effects.
Now, I would like you to visualize yourself sending a golden light, the Christ consciousness energy, to the planet and humanity. See this golden light increasing the vibration of the planet, people and animals. The spirit of the Earth – Gaia – is welcoming this energy and vibration upon her body and astral body.
Spend a few more minutes, or however long you feel guided, sending and visualizing this golden Christ light, bathing and surrounding the planet and all its life forms. See all of the people and children smiling and enjoying their lives.
In your mind and heart, feel reassured and confident that this virus too shall pass. With all of our collective intent, we can co-create the reality we desire and wish for, for this planet: A new Earth – the birthing of a new consciousness and the end to darkness and suffering. We all have a role to play and something to contribute.
Now, it is now time to leave this meditation. Bring your awareness back to your body and the room. You can give your fingers and toes a wiggle, and when you feel ready, open your eyes, coming back to waking consciousness.
© Brad Austen 2020.
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