Spirit of Gaia Free Meditation

The Spirit of Gaia is the sacred consciousness of the planet, also referred to in some indigenous cultures as Mother Earth.
It is a belief that there is spirit in everything; in each blade of grass, in each petal of a flower ...
There is energy and consciousness in each drop of water and each grain of sand.
Gaia is evolving as humanity is evolving. It is an interlinked partnership. As humanity shifts to a higher vibration and changes, so does the planet.
There is a lot of physical earth movement and changes occurring at the moment, as Gaia is shifting and aligning her energy to hold and support this higher vibration.
This free Spirit of Gaia Meditation is from my album
Working with your Spirit Guides
Spirit of Gaia — Free Meditation
Please click play to listen to this Spirit of Gaia Meditation
Indigenous People and Mother Earth

Many indigenous people on the planet have never lost their connection with the earth, as many Westerners have. To the indigenous there is a great love and respect for nature. To them it is their home and should be respected.
Those of us living in the developed age are gradually returning full circle, to nurture and respecting the planet once again.
Gaia has had to endure a lot of abuse and neglect by humanities greed and lack of awareness. Particularly the young generations to come will have a deeper respect and connection with the planet. The younger generations will be old souls with a yearning to help usher world peace. The seeds are being planted at the moment; the best is yet to come.
Strengthen your Connection with Gaia

There are a number of ways to strengthen one's connection with Gaia.
It can be very rejuvenating and balancing to lie on the grass or go bushwalking out in nature, to strengthen one's energy and connection.
In modern society we have created buildings and lifestyles which disconnects us from the energy of Gaia. We have created walkways of concrete, which cuts off our connection to Gaia. Even our footwear, such as rubber-soled shoes disconnects us from the earth.
Walking barefoot on the earth, or swimming in the ocean (or even in a swimming pool) helps to balance our emotional body and clears the layers of our aura.
Working with your Spirit Guides

This free meditation is from my album Working with Your Spirit Guides.
This meditation package is designed to assist you to have a closer relationship with your higher-self and your spirit guides.
Practicing the meditations in this package will open your channels - so it will be easier to communicate with spirit whenever you desire.
Your awareness will increase, and you will become more sensitive to the energy and the messages from spirit.
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