Crystal Garden — Free Guided Meditation

Practicing regular meditation can be extremely beneficial. It is a safe and simple way to balance your physical, emotional and mental states.
Spiritually, meditation enables one to attain higher states of consciousness, allowing a greater sense of awareness and connection to spirit. And often, solutions to problems and insights in your life are realised during meditation.
Meditating with crystals can bring a whole new dimension to the practice of meditation, as crystals can greatly enhance the energy of your intent, whether it be for connection with your guides, raising your vibration, psychic protection or healing.
This free Crystal Garden Meditation is from the album
Crystal Healing Meditations
Crystal Garden Meditation — Free Meditation
Please click play to listen to this Crystal Garden Meditation
Programming a Crystal
To program a crystal for use in your meditation:
- You may wish to connect to your higher self, or spirit guides for guidance during this entire process.
- Run the crystal under running water for a few minutes and repeat the word 'clear' in your mind.
- Visualize the crystal becoming bright and free from unwanted energies as you run it under the water.
- Dry the crystal with a clean towel.
- When you are ready to begin your meditation, ask permission from the crystal to work with you during the meditation.
- Simply state your intention, holding the crystal in your hand and close your eyes.
- Take a couple of deep breaths and allow your mind to be still and clear.
- Integrate with the energies of the crystal as you enter your meditative space.
You may also like to place crystals around your body during the meditation to assist with amplifying your energy and protecting your aura.
Please don't think, 'the more crystals the better', as simply imagining the energy of one crystal is sufficient.
Through the power of visualization and intent, you will still gain the benefit of the crystals, even if you don't physically use them during the meditations.
Naturally, if you do use programmed crystals during the meditation, it will enhance your meditation experience.
Clear Quartz Crystal
Clear quartz is considered a master crystal, as it offers healing on all levels.
It is generally a good crystal to use during meditation, as it amplifies energies and is easily programmed with your intent.
Clear quartz will clear, strengthen and expand your auric field during meditation.
Quartz crystals tend to absorb negative energies and for this reason needs to be cleansed and reprogrammed regularly.
Amethyst Crystal

Amethyst is a great crystal to use during meditation as it relieves mental anxiety and physical stress.
It also guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love.
Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.
It vibrates with the resonance of the crown charka and assists in connecting you to the realm of spirit.
You may wish to consider an amethyst crystal when stress is weighing you down or when you wish to reach higher states of consciousness.
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