About Brad Austen

I initially became interested in guided meditation when I started attending a weekly meditation class at a nearby spiritual institute. One day during a meditation class I had the inspiration to create my own guided meditation CD. I had just recorded a quit smoking CD, after quitting a difficult addiction. This was around the same time I met my first music composer, Justin Smith.
My first meditation CD is entitled 'Guided Meditations' and has been very popular on iTunes. The meditations on this album are short and concise and are ideal if you have limited time, or prefer faster-paced meditations.
As well as studying meditation, I also studied psychic development and mediumship classes for several years, to further my development and to explore my spirituality. I have always been interested in anything spiritual from a young age, and as I got older, I loved to read new age books and channelled material.
All of my meditations are spirit-inspired via my higher-self and high-level guides. Saint Germaine and Archangel Raphael worked with me on my CD 'Let There Be Light'. Blue Angel Publishing published this CD in August 2010. The meditations on this CD are designed to assist you in working with the light for healing and transformation.
Shortly after I completed it, Ascended Master Merlin contacted me during a mediumship class. He wanted to work with me, on my next CD, which became 'Meditation Magic'. This CD is designed to assist you to utilize magic and spiritual alchemy, to heal your life, obtain greater abundance and achieve greater levels of wellbeing and peace. Ascended Master Merlin is your helpful guide on this journey of self-discovery and healing. The CD includes powerful affirmations to assist in changing one's mindset and emotional states to more positive ones.
I then went on to try something a little different and mainstream with some insight from my family. I created a sleep meditation CD, entitled 'A Guided Journey to Deep Sleep'. It combines relaxation techniques with the gentle and soothing sound of beach waves to ease you into deep restful sleep.
My next album, entitled 'Crystal Healing', was a series of guided meditations on utilizing crystals in healing. Crystals have become popular in recent times, not only for their beauty but also their healing power. I was guided to create some unique and different meditations working with crystals to assist with healing mind, body and spirit.
In 'Releasing Fear & Healing the Heart' I was guided to create some meditations to assist the listener to release their fears and also heal their heart. The heart often holds pain and trauma from relationships and even past lives. Everyone needs healing on some level, the meditations on this album are designed to guide and support this healing process.
I then went on to record 'Working With Your Spirit Guides'. We all have an entourage of spiritual helpers that wish to help us along our path. In this album I was guided to create a series of journeys to allow the listener to meet and connect with their spirit guides, awakening you to their loving guidance and support.
I have experienced both anxiety and depression from time to time, which was the inspiration for the album, 'Meditations to Ease Anxiety & Depression'. From my personal experience, I realised that positive affirmations, visualization and meditation can really help relieve anxiety and depression, especially when practiced regularly.
I was enjoying going for walks in nature with my iPod, and thought it would be interesting to create my own 'Magical Walking Meditation', for others to enjoy. This EP has a magical theme, similar to the album "Meditation Magic".
My next EP I created was entitled 'Smile and Be Happy Meditation', a smiling meditation. Happiness is very important to enjoy one's life, which was the intention in creating this meditation. Smiling also helps to relax your body, brighten your mood and release endorphins.
I felt guided to create an EP on 'Attracting Your Soul Mate'. Many of us are looking for love in our lives and a meaningful relationship with a soul mate. These meditations are spirit-inspired and include guided imagery, visualization and positive affirmations to help you attract that special person into your life.
All of my guided meditations are available from iTunes and Spotify. If you click the 'Guided Meditations' link you have the option to hear samples and purchase the albums from iTunes and Spotify.
Wishing you a great day,
Brad Austen
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